
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Who are we ?

A team of sports professionals


Odysium was created by an athlete, for athletes.
Our multidisciplinary staff works hand in hand to offer you the best of each discipline, which will allow you to optimize your potential.

With a personalized follow-up, you have all the keys in hand to perform at the highest level!

The technical staff

Medical staff in the Paris area

A team of sports professionals


Odysium was created by an athlete, for athletes. Our multidisciplinary staff works hand in hand to offer you the best in each discipline. With a personalized follow-up, you have all the keys in hand to perform at the highest level !



With the right tools you can do a good job

Coaching is provided in our private facilities located in Cergy-Pontoise (30mn from Paris). Our gym is
ultra modern and equipped with top of the line equipment that allows students to express their full
potential while using top of the line equipment.
With indoor and outdoor facilities, our structure allows us to take full advantage of the beautiful days
when the weather is nice

INdoor ·

Outdoor ·

Situation ·